Weekly Services


Monday 22, Tuesday 23, Wednesday 24 July

8.30am – Morning Prayer

Thursday 25 July

8.30am – Said Holy Communion

Sunday 28 July

10.30am – Family Worship followed immediately with Short Said Holy Communion

6.30pm – Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Tytherton Lucas

Monday 29, Tuesday 30, Wednesday 31 July

8.30am – Morning Prayer

Thursday 1 August

8.30am – Said Holy Communion

Sunday 4 August

9am – Said Holy Communion

10.30am – Sung Eucharist

4pm – No Andy’s @ 4 this month

Monday 5, Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 August

8.30am – Morning Prayer

Thursday 8 August

8.30am – Said Holy Communion

Sunday 11 August

10.30am – All Age Eucharist

6.30pm – Evensong with Holy Communion – St Nicholas, Tytherton Lucas

Monday 12, Tuesday 13, Wednesday 14 August

8.30am – Morning Prayer

Thursday 15 August

8.30am – Said Holy Communion

Sunday 18 August

9am – Said Holy Communion

10.30am – Sung Eucharist

Monday 19, Tuesday 20, Wednesday 21 August

8.30am – Morning Prayer

Thursday 22 August

8.30am – Said Holy Communion

Sunday 25 August

10.30am – Family Worship

11.30am – Short Said Holy Communion

6.30pm – Said Holy Communion – St Nicholas, Tytherton Lucas

Monday 26, Tuesday 27, Wednesday 28 August

8.30am – Morning Prayer

Thursday 29 August

8.30am – Said Holy Communion


**Look out for our Sunday Club starting again on 15th September 10.15am – 11am. Activities for young children to enjoy in the Hall before coming into church for the last part of the morning service**








Eucharist (from the Greek eucharistia, meaning ‘thanksgiving’) is the Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in remembrance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  The Eucharist is central to our life as a community at St. Andrew’s.

Music is seen as a vital element in our approach to worship. There is a small, dedicated robed choir under the direction of an inspirational Director of Music, which provides the backbone of the music offered on the firstthird and fifth Sundays each month and on major festivals, as well as singing at weddings and funerals when requested. The choir also plays a major part in the monthly Sung Evensong. On the second Sundays there is an All-Age Eucharist which is less formal, with an unrobed choir, while on the fourth Sundays we have our Family Worship with more participation from the children and accompanied by the Music Group.

There is a team of robed servers who assist in the service, and members of our congregation participate in leading intercessions, administering the chalice and reading lessons. We toll the Sanctus Bell during the Eucharist and on special occasions we may use incense.

The Eucharist (said) is also celebrated on Thursday mornings in the Lady Chapel at 8.30 am.


After the 10.30am Sunday service we always have drinks and refreshments giving us a chance to socialise. We also take every opportunity to celebrate our congregation’s important milestones; such as birthdays, engagements and anniversaries.