Safeguarding Contacts

If you have a safeguarding concern or wish to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, use the contact details below:-

The Diocesan Safeguarding Officer is Adam Bond.
Mobile:   07543 504977

Adam Bond Diocesan Safeguarding Office
Adam Bond
Diocesan Safeguarding Office


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is Stephen Riley.

Stephen Riley Parish Safeguarding Officer
Stephen Riley
Parish Safeguarding Officer


Out of Hours Support

If you need safeguarding advice or support out of office hours, Thirtyone:eight provide a 24-hour telephone support line.

Tel: 0303 003 1111.

Please mention that you are calling from a parish within the Diocese of Bristol.

Domestic Abuse Help in Wiltshire

Safe Spaces

Further, the Church of England’s Safeguarding Handbook has been adopted by the PCC and this document forms its terms of reference.