Worship at home for the 3rd Sunday of the Month



Preparing for worship

You’ll need a table, set with a piece of bread and a glass of wine or juice.

A cross.

A candle, lit on the table


We join, if possible, at 9 or 10.30am whilst worship takes place in church too



HYMN (hymn numbers for the day are on the pewsheet. If you need to borrow a hymnbook, please contact Rod)



Though in our homes, we are together with all our sisters and brothers in the faith,

as we worship and give thanks. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.




            We say the Canticle printed on the front of the pewsheet




Come, let us return to the Lord, for he will heal us, bind up our wounds and raise us up.


After a moment of quiet reflection, we confess our sins to God with this prayer;


God of compassion and mercy, in our sin we have avoided your call.

Our love for you is like a morning mist, like the dew that goes away early.

Have mercy on us;

deliver us from our indifference;

bind up our wounds and revive us;

in Jesus Christ our Redeemer.  Amen.




God of love,

you forgive us and free us from our sins,

you heal and strengthen us by the Holy Spirit,

and raise us to new life in Christ our Lord.  Amen



We say a version of the “Te Deum” from Janet Morley


We long for you, O God,

we confess our deep desire for you.

For the heavens are arrayed

with your inexpressible beauty.


You, O Christ, are the source of all our yearning:

you are our path to glory.

Bearing our sweet and humble flesh,

fruit of a woman’s womb,

you were made and moulded as we are.


Spirit of discernment, integrity and fire:

breathe on our fearfulness,

rekindle our truthfulness,

and sing through our speechlessness;

that we may refuse what is evil,

and be taken up with praise.


Merciful Creator, of infinite tenderness;

Wounded Redeemer, in whom we are reclaimed;

Comforter of fire, who leads us into truth;

we offer you our praise.


THE COLLECT and the two readings for today are printed on the pewsheet


The first scripture reading.


 At the end, there may be a short period of silence followed by this response:


For the word of the Lord.       Thanks be to God.







Alleluia! God has given us a place with the saints in glory

through the immeasurable power of his love. Alleluia!


                        The Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ according to …. Glory to you, O Lord.


At the end       for the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.


REFLECTION     (on the website or sent with the pewsheet)




Let us affirm our faith in God.


We believe in God the Composer and Creator,

from whom every family

in heaven and on earth receives its motion and being.


We believe in God the Word incarnate,

who lives in our hearts through faith,

and fills us with that perfect love which casts out fear.


We believe in God the Spirit of wisdom,

who strengthens us with power from on high.


We believe in one God,

the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

now and through all the ages of ages.  Amen



In peace, let us pray to the Lord. For the renewing hope that God alone can give ….


Lord, hear and have mercy. Lord, hear and have mercy.


For the whole world in turmoil, and for all who live in fear ….


Lord, hear and have mercy. Lord, hear and have mercy.


For our beautiful church building, rejoicing that it can now echo with praise once more ….


Lord, hear and have mercy. Lord, hear and have mercy.


For those who are ill, and all of us in our need, gracious Lord ….


Lord, hear and have mercy. Lord, hear and have mercy.

For ourselves and our loved ones, for all who have died ….


Lord, hear and have mercy. Lord, hear and have mercy.






We are one family with all God’s saints, through Christ who came to bring peace to those near and far.


May the peace of the Lord be always with us.

and with all our sisters and brothers, near and far. Alleluia



We share a sign of peace with all people of faith throughout the world, by clasping our hands together and bowing our heads saying the word “Shalom”, peace.





We give you thanks and praise, Creator God, for the gift of life and a world full of wonder.

Glory to you for ever and ever.


We give you thanks and praise, Servant King, you bring healing to our world and gather us in one.

Glory to you for ever and ever.


We give you thanks and praise, Spirit of Truth, you complete us and transform our poverty by your grace.

Glory to you for ever and ever.



Take and eat a piece of the bread. If you are with another, give the bread to each other. As you give and receive the bread, say this prayer:


As we break this bread, and as we share it, we thank you, God, that you give us this day our daily bread.

For the food which delights and nourishes us and for the companionship that sustains us as your people.


Drink a sip of the wine or juice. If you are with another, give the wine to each other. As you give and receive the wine, say this prayer:


We thank you for drink to quench our thirst and for the Living Water with which you surprise and enrich and transform our lives.

We give thanks for this feast at which all can share, though separated now. A foretaste of the kingdom of heaven. Amen.


                                                 As our Saviour taught us, so we pray:


        Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

        your kingdom come,

        your will be done on earth as in heaven.

        Give us today our daily bread.

        Forgive us our sins

        as we forgive those who sin against us.

        Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.


        For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,

                                                 now and forever.  Amen.






                        May God give us grace to follow all his saints in faith,

steadfastness and love, and may we abide in Christ and he in us, this day and always.




Let us go in the peace of Christ

                                    Thanks be to God, Alleluia!


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